The video I am analysisng is Miracle Aligner by The Last Shadow Puppets. The video was created by Saam Farahmand / Black Sheep Studios and porduced by Dan Keefe. In my opinion I think the genre of the music is like indie and could be considered as soft rock, they use instruments like electric guitars and bass guitars but also have a string arangement too which contrasts with the rock 'n' roll type genre.
At the begining of the video Miles and Alex are sat out on a balcony whilst pink confetti comes down on them as they are speaking French to eachother. In my opinion this is quite pointless as it has nothing to do with the song or the video but im sure there is probably a hidden meaning in there.
When the song actually starts it just shows a close up of Miles and Alex looking at eachother but not miming or anything but when the pre-chorus kicks in Alex starts walking to the camera miming the lyrics and dancing in time to the beat so the lyrics and the song are amplified by Alex's miming and dance moves. Further a long in the song as the second pre chorus starts both Miles and Alex sort of bop along to the bass line which coinsides with the music perfectly as they get the timing spot on. Also when the song says "he was born to blow your mind" Alex and Miles both point to Alex's head to signify his mind. When the chorus actually kicks in it shows them both sat down looking at the camera as it pans around the room singing the lyrics. After the chorus there is a small guitar instrumental where both of them pretty much just dance with eachother on tables and chairs, this contradicts the song as theres not really any rhythm or timing to the dancing.
After this the song breaks down again into the second verse and shows Miles leaning up against a wall and Alex stood in the centre of the camera with his arms out waiting for the lyrics to start again.
When the lyrics do start again he sings them into the camera whilst slowly making his way over to Miles. When the pre chorus starts up again the pair do the same dance moves as they did last time and time it perfectly with the music. Once the pre chorus finishes and goes into the chorus it is a similar shot as last time where they are both dancing round the room with no rhythm or timing to the song however this is all done in one shot and only stops after the last guitar solo where Miles and Alex end up on top of eachother.
The relationship between music and visuals is a very clear one. Although there a very few cuts in the actual video the pair both dance in time to the beat during the verses and chorus and also sing/mime the lyrics. However during the chorus and solos there is more freedom to their dancing and is less in time and less amplified than the verses and pre chorus's. The solos and intrumentals are illustrated in the video by the pair dancing together and basically throwing their arms about but thats about it. The video difinatley changes pace with the music, it starts of very slow in the vereses and as the song gathers pace through the pre chorus, chorus and instrumental the pairs dancing becomes more illustrated but then slows down again after the instrumental but then finishes on a very fast and energetic pace.
I think the reocord company are trying to sell this track by putting the two main 'stars' in the spotlight by having them dance and heavily feature in their music video. The video includes multiple close ups of the two and the camera never loses sight of them at all. However this is not surprising as pretty much every video done by this band has the same theme of focuses souley on them, for example the video for their song "Everything You've Come to Expect", the pair are never out of shot just like in this video.
I dont think that the artists are on sexual display but I can how they could be seen as sex symbols to women as they are both very well groomed and both use dance moves in this video which could be seen as attractive and alluring to some.
I believe that the video is just one big intertextual reference as no one really knows what they are doing there and the scene at the beginning really does'nt have anything to do with the rest of the video so its all very secretive but that is to be expected with Alrex Turner as no one really knows what is going off in his head so there could be multiple intertextual references and hidden messages in this video.
Overall I think this is juts a catchy video for a catchy song where the pair dance a long to the melodic bass line and just mess around really. Like I said there could be plenty of things i'm missing like hidden meanings but when your first see the video your first thoughts are that its just two rather camp men bopping along to their own music.
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